Monday, November 10, 2008


If you love wearing animals that have been tortured, or love contributing to the designer who tortures these animals, then go ahead and buy DONNA KARAN items.

Here is an article from PETA:
Despite the fact that Donna Karan has promised to stop using fur in her designs in the past, PETA has learned that she continues to use and sell fur. Please join us in urging Karan to discontinue the sale of all fur items and to institute a permanent fur-free policy. PETA has asked Karan to join other top designers and retailers—including her top competitors Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren, Ann Taylor, and others—who have already adopted permanent fur-free policies.
Animals on fur farms spend their entire lives confined to cramped, filthy wire cages, where they are exposed to all weather conditions. They often go without clean water or veterinary care, and they are denied the opportunity to engage in natural behaviors like climbing, burrowing, and swimming. The intensive confinement causes many animals on fur farms to go insane.

Fur farmers use the cheapest killing methods available, including neck-breaking, suffocation, poisoning, and electrocution. Many animals are electrocuted by having rods inserted into their rectums and 240 volts of electricity sent through their bodies. The animals convulse, shake, and often cry out before suffering painful heart attacks. Crude killing methods aren't always effective, and sometimes animals "wake up" while they are being skinned.

Karan knows about the suffering that goes into every fur-trimmed coat, hat, and bag, yet she continues to use and promote real fur. Please contact Donna Karan executives and let them know that you will not buy any of their designs until they make the compassionate decision to go fur-free for good.

Send polite comments to:

Ms. Donna Karan
Donna Karan International, Inc.
550 Seventh Ave.
New York, NY 10018
212-789-1856 (fax)

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